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Veranderende alledaagse benodigdheden die het verschonen gemakkelijk en probleemloos maken, rechtstreeks aan huis geleverd.
19,34 €
Veranderende alledaagse benodigdheden die het verschonen gemakkelijk en probleemloos maken, rechtstreeks aan huis geleverd.
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We’re on a mission to free the world of single-use nappies for good, by sending them the same way as plastic bottles, straws and carrier bags because we’ve had enough of the mess they’ve made. Why? Because our future is NOT disposable!
For over 60 years, mankind has been throwing billions of single-use nappies away every year in the name of convenience. Around 5000 nappies per baby, each of which takes 500 years to decompose. That's a lot of smelly waste polluting our planet.
If you thought dealing with the waste created by single-use nappies was shocking then you might be surprised to hear that the manufacturing of single-use nappies is far more harmful. Reusable nappies produce 25% less CO2, fact.
A massive amount of crude oil needs to be extracted from the earth to produce plastic polymers such as polypropylene and polyethylene which are used to make single-use diapers. Is it really worth it?
Wood pulp is used to make the absorbent core of single-use diapers through water-intensive production and if not sourced responsibly can lead to devastating deforestation.
Many planet-conscious parents across the world feel a strong urge to make the right choices when it comes to diapers for their babies. They know that single-use diapers are not an option. They are led to believe that paying more for so-called eco-diapers is the answer. It's not!
Houd meer pond in je zak en bespaar tot 800 € - en zelfs meer als je luiers worden hergebruikt voor een andere baby
Elke dag worden er 250 miljoen luiers weggegooid. Herbruikbare luiers vereisen 98% minder grondstoffen om te maken en produceren 99% minder afval.
Door te kiezen voor hergebruik creëer je een gezondere planeet en een beter milieu voor ons en toekomstige generaties.
Super absorbent diapers, free from nasties which helps reduce skin irritation and the chance of diaper rash.
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